Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Identifying Risk of Harm to Child

Identifying Risk of Harm to ChildChild Protection ScenarioWhat indicators of risk of prostitute potbelly you identify in the scenario?Georgia appears rather agitated when her brother comes to pick her upGeorgia pulls away when her eldest brother Peter goes to pick her upStaff members are noticing that Georgia is seeming withdrawn from activities latelyStaff members pretend noticed that for the past two weeks Georgia has been regressing in toilet cultivation has been wetting her bed every dayWhen having a conversation with Georgia she tells you how she doesnt like when Peter comes into her room at night when shes sleepyheadedWhat would you say to Georgia in response to the above conversations?What action would you take based on the scenario?Talk to your director slightly what you have observed and conversations you have had with Georgia. Keep written musical accompaniment on everything you have observed kept in a locked cupboard in the infants file. Access the requisite Repor ters Guide and answer the questions and from there it will direct you on what to do next. Always follow the correct steps and record that best interest of the tyke is paramount. protect a youngsters well beingness is a shared issue between a number of unlike organisations and individuals. (Council of Australian Governments, 2010)What are the nominate points to remember in responding to a babys disclosure (verbal and non-verbal)?When responding to a childs disclosure keep your facial expressions calm and dont act shocked. Always listen very closely, getting down to eye level and thank the child for confiding with you. Let the child know that she/he isnt the first person this has happened to and invariably talk age appropriately. (Child Wise, 2012). Never ask direct questions and wait for the child to come to you first. Ensure that you dont pass any of your own personal judgement onto the child and respond in ways that make her feel safe and that you genuinely care about her. ( Briggs and Buttrose, n.d, pp. 238-239)According to the policy, outline the steps you would take in response to the situationThe Make Believe Pre-School has a art of care and obligation to defend the childs rights to care and protection. The Pre-School must abide by all relevant Child Protection Legislation and must have procedures in place to discipline this and by promoting child protection awareness in the community through live on of parents. There are various legislative requirements that the Make Believe Pre-School instruction committee can use to help them to develop a framework for the protection of children and as well to ensure that staff know what needs to be make in relation to child protection. Their Child Protection Policy clearly states thatAll staff have the responsibility to report to incision of Community run (DoCS) for suspected Risk of Significant Harm (RoSH).Observe and document all signs of RoSH and keep in a locked file in the childs folderReport to the empower supervisorRefer to the MRG to determine what process to followEnsure children know that they never deserve to be harmed or abusedWhat record keeping and documentation would be necessary in this situation?Take extreme care that all documentation for a child at risk of significant harm is kept confidential and in a locked file under the childs name. Observe the child closely and document any further conversations always including a clear description, date and time. Any personal opinions or judgement should not be included in documentation. (Farrell and Sheringham, n.d, p. 186). If you have any telephone conversations with removed agencies be sure conversation is on speakerphone with another person present. Consult with your director on a regular basis on the situation of the child and print off any MRG decisions and keep in a confidential folder.Identify the potential difference ethical concerns. How might you respond to this concern? Who would you seek support from?There is clearly a cultural and family issue in this scenario. There is also a language barrier as an interpreter is needed for the mother. This has the potential for information to be misunderstood and the correct information not to be communicated successfully. The Early age Learning Framework (EYLF) encourages diversity and respecting cultures. Georgia belongs to two different cultures, Australian and Chinese and as educators we need to respect the diversity of the child. (DEEWR, 2009, p. 13) We also need to understand the long term concerns for the child and the family, if it is found that Georgia is being abused. The (Early Childhood Australia, 2006) Code of Ethics encourages us to learn as much as we can about the culture, customs, lifestyle and language of our children. The school should express its concerns to the De fall inment of Educations Childrens Wellbeing Unit or a Family Referral Service (Farrell and Sheringham, n.d, p. 191). We should seek support from the local church w hich the family attend, other family members, other lot in the community who know the family well and a Chinese language interpreter. We must ensure that all information regarding the child remains confidential and any information passed on is on a need to know basis.What strategies would you put in place to protect the rights of the child and maintain your professional relationship and duty of care with Georgia and her family?As the (Australian Childrens Education and Care Quality Authority, 2012), expresses in Standard 2.3, Element 2.3.4, that every educator, co-ordinator, family dare care educator participator and staff member has legal and ethical obligation to act and protect any child who is at risk of abuse or neglect. Australia is a part of the coupled Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and as signatories to this, we recognize that every child has the right to protection and never to be hurt by others, also to always have the best interests of the child first ( The United Nations, 1989). To maintain a professional relationship and duty of care to Georgia we need to remember to never be judgemental and that Georgia knows she is respected and trusted in the Pre-School. The privacy of Georgia and her family is essential in any discussions regarding Georgias safety and wellbeing. If the child is deemed to be RoSH the family may not be informed of the process as it could cause risk to the child and its their interest which are a priority. As Georgias family has a. high status in the community there is potential for disbelief of the proposed sexual abuse. (Briggs and Buttrose, n.d, pp. 238-239). Staff are not allowed to become overly involved or emotional in this situation, follow the correct process, act when you need to and always keep information clearly documented.ReferencesBriggs, F. and Buttrose, I. (n.d). Child Protection The ingrained Guide for Teachers Other Professionals Whose Work Involves Children. Australia JoJo Publishing.Child W ise (2012). Wise up to sexual abuse. Available at http// iseUp_to_Sexual_Abuse_Booklet.pdf (Accessed 26 March 2015)Council of Australian Governments (2010). Protecting children is Everyones Business. Available at http// (Accessed 30 March 2015)Department of Education, Employment and Workplace relations (DEEWR) (2009). Belonging, Being Becoming The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Canberra DEEWREarly Childhood Australia (2006). Code of Ethics. Available at http// (Accessed 28 March 2015)Farrell, M. and Sheringham, M. (n.d). Protecting Children and Young People Identify and react to Children and Young People at Risk. Australia TAFE NSW Divisions Resource Distribution Centre.Australian Childrens Education and Care Quality Authorit y (ACECQA) (2012). Guide to the National Quality Standard. Sydney, N.S.W.The United Nations (1989). Convention on the Rights of the Child. Available at http// (Accessed 28 March 2015)M Lyons1 of 5

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